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Terminology and reliability
High-quality translations are the result of experience, the right tools, knowledge of file formats, and a thorough familiarity with grammar, spelling and conventions in both the source and target languages. Add diversity in the form of a proper understanding of underlying cultural aspects, a well-defined translation workflow, professional development on an on-going basis, and a very keen eye for detail, and all of the above together ensure the reliability that you need to get your message across.
Translation is not a commodity. It is a process-based activity, without which the world would come to a standstill. No more trade and commerce, no more political dialogue, no more exchange of business, scientific and other data, no more multilingual contact on a global scale.
Given this importance, translations must be reliable. Quality is simply an absolute must. But quality also becomes apparent when you realize that the translator really knows what you are talking or writing about. Using the proper jargon is a prerequisite. Maintaining the original layout is self-evident, while being able to use the underlying document structure or technology (such as XML-based documents) avoids disappointments or extra costs.
The various applications for Computer-Aided Translation for which I hold licences can handle well over 20 file formats; the in-house expertise in other file formats adds another 30 or so. And extensive terminology management (which includes contributions to Van Dale Lexicografie), especially in the medical and scientific domains as well as those in the fields of IT, computers and apps, ensures that both the form of the message and the message itself are communicated as they should.
With more than 30 years of professional experience gained often directly on-site at companies such as IBM, DEC, Microsoft, CAP Gemini, SAP, and Ericsson, Nico van de Water Linguistic Services provides this reliability and quality by default. Because it is part of the profession that translation is.